Saturday, June 13, 2009

Trip to Florida Postponed

Kay Marie and I were planning a trip to see Kevin and Kelly and spend a few days at the beach in Pensacola, but we had to cancel. Kerrie and her family are moving to Nebraska and guess what, they picked the week Kay and I were suppose to be in Florida to move. So to make things easier on Kerrie and Kay Marie we decided to go another time. Oh well, it was fun thinking about and planning it. It's all good though, Kay Marie has the whole week off work now, and can now spend as much time with Kerrie and kids their last week before they move. So that's a blessing. I know I would of wanted to do the same thing myself.


April Hardy said...

I am proud of you mom. Just wait till Kay Marie gets more time off. Or maybe you fly me and the kids to TX and we will drive with you FL!

Cindy Ardis said...

I would love that!!

grannylaw said...

Or --- maybe the two of you come to California so we can go to Disneyland. I know, I'm relentless.

Cindy Ardis said...

Don't give up grannylaw, we will come someday.