Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Miracle

Early Saturday Morning, Easter Eve, Adam was in a terrible car accident. He was stopped at a red light, behind one other car. He heard tires squeal, and just as he looked into his rear view mirror a car was coming at him fast and in an instant hit him going about 50 miles per hour, slamming Adam's car into the car in front of him and both of them ending up in the middle of the intersection. Adam being stunned just sat there, he said when he saw the car coming up behind him he thought he was going to die. The other drivers got out of their cars and came to check on Adam. He got out of his car and couldn't believe he wasn't bleeding or broken. It was truly a micacle. None of us can believe how he came away only sore and a headache. Of course it was tramatic and he was pretty shook up, and what made it worse, Faren and I were in Florida for the weekend and Bryan had gone to his in-laws for the weekend. So Adam called my brother Howard and Howard and Burke came and got Adam and took him home. Adam said it weird having to come home and be by himself. Bryan and Heather left Gilmer early on Saturday to check on Adam. I'm so glad they were able to that. I felt like Adam should of gone to the emergency room, just because he looked fine on the outside didn't mean everything was okay on the inside. But Bryan didn't take any chances he checked out everything and bone and he said if any thing looked suspiscious he wasn't taking any chances and would take Adam to the ER. By the time we got home on Sunday, Adam was feeling alittle better, and his headache wasn't to bad. Bryan checked him again and he could tell Adam's symptoms were improving. Adam went to work on Monday and came home looking like he does every other day, maybe just a little more tired, but I can't believe he was able to go to work all day. His car was totalled, smashed in the rear and front. I don't know if i even want to see it. But I'm so thankful he wasn't hurt any worse, none of us can believe that, and I'm so thankful Howard was home and able to help Adam get home. and that Bryan and Heather came home to help Adam. Having a family is wonderful.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Cool Dream

I had the coolest dream last night. I've been debating on whether or not I should share it. I was just sharing with Bryan and Faren and they said that is so cool, and I should write it down. So I'm decided to share it with you.

You know how weird dreams can be sometimes and I usually don't think much about them. But in this dream I learned something.

In the dream I was very pregnant, and I was in the hospital. I was there because I thought I was in labor but actually I was having false labor so when it stopped the nurses asked me to go out side and walk around and eat something and come back and they would see how things were going. Well I went outside for awhile, and when I was about to go back into the hospital I saw President Hinckley. He was about to go in the door and I was right behind him. When he saw me behind him he opened the door and walked in then held the door open for me to go in. The door was heavy and I assumed because of his age it was hard to hold open and it slipped out of hand and hit me in the stomach. It hurt a little because I was 9 months pregnant. President Hinckley looked at me and said very kindly, I'm sorry, and he put his hand on my shoulder and let his hand slip down to my elbow and then turned and walked away.

I was going back to my room when I ran into Cheree. I told her what had happened with Pres. Hinckley and even showed her the bruise on my stomach. I thought it weird that he just looked and me and said I'm sorry, I knew he meant it but if I had hit a pregnant woman in the stomach with a heavy door or anything else I would of be apologizing right and left. Helped her get to a chair, brought her flowers or cookies for a month. I would of felt really bad like I owed them a kidney or something.

When I woke up, I was amazed that I dreamed about Pres. Hinckley and I was thinking about his reaction and how he simply said, I'm sorry. And I realized something significant about myself. When ever I do something wrong or hurt someone even unintentionally, I beat myself up about it and worry about it for a long time. I feel like I have to regret it forever and apologize over and over again. And when that person probably doesn't even remember I'm still worried that they are still worried and upset about it. I learned something from Pres. Hinckley in the dream, he sincerely apologized and then went on, probably never giving it another thought. And why shouldn't he. I was alright and he apologized, and let it go.

Anyway, I don't know if you have ever felt like that, and if you have maybe my dream can help you too. All we are asked to do is apologize, even if someone doesn't want to accept it, we are free to go on. I also feel like that this is how Heavenly Father forgives us. When we ask to be forgiven he says okay your forgiven and we should try to forget it, just like he will and don' t give it another thought. But instead we go over it a million times thinking surely it can't be that simple, I must torture myself for a very long time to show I'm really really sorry. But that' s not how it works. Trust the atonement, believe in it's power and go on doing the best you can.

Sorry for the sermon. Hey, I just realized it's Easter this Sunday, what a coincidence.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tagged by Tanya with the letter "K"

Okay, things I like that start with the letter K.

1-Kay Marie: she's a great sister and I don't get to see her as much as I'd like to, but when we do we have so much fun.
2- Kids-big kids, grandkids they are all wonderful
4-Ketchup-gotta have it
5-Kroger-it's the closest grocery store to my house.
6-Kerrie's blog: always updated
7- Kohl's-I have a credit card there, and they have the cutest kids clothes to buy for my grandkids.
8-Kisses-heshey's that is, just kidding, I love kisses.
9-krafts-okay that's a "c", but I had to put in here somewhere
10-Kelloggs-I like poptarts; my favorite is brown/sugar cinnamon without the frosting.

Okay, I'm not really sure about the rules, but I think I get to tag some others.

Heather; the letter M
April: the letter D
Amee: the letter P